Who we are

ACT (Action, Collaboration, Transformation) is an agreement between 19 global brands and IndustriALL Global Union to pave the way for living wages for workers in garment, textile and footwear supply chains.

The ACT Foundation implements the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between IndustriALL Global Unions and corporate signatories and subsequent decisions of the parties operationalizing the MoU. Driven by action, collaboration, and transformation, ACT fosters impactful change in the industry. ACT is not a multi-stakeholder initiative but a bipartite agreement.


All ACT members are committed to working together to help transform the way wages and working conditions are currently set in the global garment, textile and footwear sector.

The Memorandum of Understanding – signed between member companies and IndustriALL – is the basis for the cooperation between ACT members, outlining the commitments necessary to establish freedom of association, collective bargaining and living wages within global supply chains.


We sincerely thank the following contributors whose invaluable support and expertise are pivotal to advancing our mission:

Project Partners

Selected projects are currently, or have been, supported by the following partners:

Board Members

Christina Erika Hajagos-Clausen

Director, Textile and Garment Industry, IndustriALL Global Union

Atle Høie

General Secretary, IndustriALL Global Union

Johan Genneby

Area Lead, Global Sustainability, H&M Group

Frances Goodwin


Meet the team

Mira Neumaier

Executive Director

Mira brings extensive industrial relations and international Collective Bargaining experience to the Secretariat. Prior to joining ACT Mira Neumaier was Vice-President at the Civil Aviation Section of the European Transport Workers Federation, International Transport Workers Federation and served as Head of the National Civil Aviation and Maritime Section of a general services union. Mira has a background in economics, labor law and sociology.

Bea Ruoff

Head of Operations, Accountability and Monitoring

Bea Ruoff has a background in economics and business administration. Prior to joining ACT she lectured economics and strategic management at Berlin School of Economics and Law, and published focusing on international trade, industrial relations, and global production networks. In these fields she developed and managed research projects.

David Cichon

Head of Programmes

David Cichon has a background in sociology and political science with a research focus on industrial relations in global value chains. He completed his doctoral thesis on wage setting in Cambodia’s garment and footwear industry.

Tandiwe Gross

Head of access to remedy and due diligence | Manager country programmes

Tandiwe Gross joined the team in June 2018. She has a background in political science, law and labour policies, and has worked for the ILO in the field of online capacity building and technical advice on due diligence. More recently she served in the ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar.

David O'Connell

Grievance Mechanism Coordinator

David O’Connell has a background in political science, social science and labour policies. David is a doctoral candidate at the University of Kassel, exploring questions of employee ownership, microeconomics, and labour strategy.

Michelle Lowe

Administration Officer

Michelle Lowe brings over 25 years of executive and administrative experience. Michelle supports the Secretariat with administrative operations as well as supporting ACT members engagement.