Strengthening Freedom of Association

Freedom of Association (FOA) is the internationally recognised human right of workers to form and join organisations of their own choosing.

FOA is a prerequisite to collective bargaining and an enabler of higher wages in and of itself. Respect of FOA provides workers with the voice and representation to negotiate collectively with employers on terms and conditions of work, including wages and benefits. 

ACT member brands and IndustriALL Global Union have agreed on the following principles and framework for action:

  • Workers must be free and able to exercise their right to organize and bargain collectively in accordance with ILO Conventions.
  • A joint approach is needed where all participants in global supply chains assume their respective responsibilities in achieving freedom of association.
  • ACT members will provide capacity building, including training of managers and workers on freedom of association and collective bargaining.
  • ACT members commit to design strategies on how to proactively promote freedom of association.